“Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, “and what is the use of a book,” thought Alice, “without pictures or conversations?”

OK, my name’s not Alice. I don’t have a sister. And I haven’t seen any White Rabbits hurrying past me (at least not lately — but you do realize that the italicized sentences above are the opening sentences of “Alice In Wonderland”, right?). And while I think pictures and conversations are great fun, in my opinion that Alice is wrong about their being essential to books. Especially helpful books such as the Yellow Pages, which could probably have helped poor Alice find something to do.

Yes, at last, it’s actually starting: “Bars by the Book”UPDATE: It has started, it is in progress, it is happening as you read this: “Bars By The Book”.

If I sent you the link to this ridiculous blog, you’re smart — you’ll figure it out. But the short version is that the Inaugural Imbibing date has been set:

UPDATE: OK, so maybe you missed it. And some of the others. But you don’t have to drown your sorrows, because you can still make up for lost time. See over there on the left, where is says “THE NEXT BAR!”?  (Scroll down if you have to, under “Categories”, just above the calendar.) If you click on that link, you’ll see all the latest up-to-the minute descriptive details and diverse plot developments and you, too, can be as erudite as you are inclined.

It began:

” Sunday 18 February 2007

This date coincides nicely with a three-day weekend that commemorates the birthdays of not only some of our early Presidents, but also myself, your not-exactly-humble Hostess.

In order to make up for lost time — and because it sounds so catchy and we have all day — this will be henceforth known as “All 4 A’s in One Day Day”.

At present, I am still trying to confirm the operating hours of Amnesia. (Not to mention the operating status of Arrow!) A more precise — but nonetheless still quite estimated — timetable will be posted here as soon as these elusive establishments are contacted.

“All 4 A’s in One Day Day” Bars:

1. Aces : Act 1…..mid-to-late afternoon

2. Amnesia Bar Inc. : Act 2…..intermezzo

3. Annex, The : Act 3….early that same evening

4. Arrow : Act 4…..possible cliffhanger — ”

UPDATE: Been there, done that. Read the next paragraph, figure out how you want to stay informed, and I’ll see you soon!

Like those fantastic “Choose Your Own Adventure” books some of us were lucky enough to read as budding book lovers, your own future enjoyment of this escapade depends on decisions you make about staying informed from here on in. I’m intending to have a blast no matter what, but I definitely believe there will be enough action, adventure, drama, and suspense to amuse anyone who can make it to a Bar or two, so I do hope at least some of you will be able to join me at some of the Bars. Besides, pictures and conversations are really much more entertaining in the company of people than White Rabbits. (Trust me on this.)